Crystals for Beginners & How to start working with Crystals

Crystals for Beginners & How to start working with Crystals

So you want to start connecting and working with Crystals. Maybe you've heard people talking on social media about their amazing healing benefits, or a friend has been working with them and seeing results- whatever your reason, working with crystals is a beautiful practice that is very personal to each individual, but hopefully we can give you some great tips to get you started on your journey. 

How Do Crystals Work?

Starting from the top, crystals are formed by the earth from various pressures, heats, minerals all interacting together- most formed thousands of years ago, and each with their own vibration, qualities, colours and shapes (although worth noting some are manmade opaline being an example or man-treated e.g. aura coatings). Crystals work by interacting with the energy fields of our bodies, helping to balance and align our energy, promote healing, and enhance our overall well-being. Each crystal has its own specific properties and can be used for different purposes- a lot have even been used by ancient civilisations!

Choosing the Right Crystal

When it comes to choosing your first crystals, the best method is to go with your intuition- try to avoid look at meanings or healing properties, just take some deep breaths & close your eyes and then see what you feel pulled towards. Allow yourself to be drawn to the crystal that resonates with you the most. 
Of course, having a kit of 'essentials' does make things easier when you're starting out, so here is my basic list of crystals you need in your collection:
[Image credit: Pinterest]

Clear Quartz - The Master Healer 

Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and is one of the most versatile crystals. It amplifies energy and can be used for various purposes such as enhancing meditation, promoting clarity of mind, and balancing chakras.
[Image Credit: Pinterest]

Amethyst - The Calming Crystal

Amethyst is a calming crystal that helps with stress relief, relaxation, and promoting restful sleep. When working with amethyst on a deeper level, it is also known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. Amethyst is a great crystal for beginners due to its gentle and soothing energy- pop it next to your bed or under your pillow to aid you sleep. 
Other calming crystals: Howlite, Mangano Calcite, Moonstone
[Image credit: Pinterest]

Rose Quartz - The Crystal of Love

Rose Quartz is the crystal of love and compassion. It promotes self-love, emotional healing, and harmonious relationships. In the modern fast-paced world we live in, we could all do with a little heart healing and a little self love, Rose Quartz can help to attract love, heal emotional wounds, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. Pop it in your bath with some rose petals as part of a self love ritual. 
Other crystals for love & heart healing: Pink Opal, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite
[Image Credit: Pinterest]

Citrine - The Manifestation Crystal 

Citrine is popular due to it being a powerful crystal for manifestation and abundance. It is often called the "success stone" as it is believed to attract wealth, prosperity, and success. Manifestation aside, Citrine also carries the energy of joy and positivity, so it is also great to carry on those days you're not quite feeling yourself.
Side note- watch out for 'heat treated amethyst' which is often sold as Citrine, but is not quite the same! Citrine should be a dull/browny/yellow shade not vivid orange- these versions are 'heat treated', it also a very expensive crystal so if it's too good to be true.. it probably is!
Other crystals for manifesting: Green Aventurine, Malachite, Pyrite
[Image credit: Pinterest]

Black Tourmaline - The Protector

Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that repels negative energy and promotes grounding. This one I believe is essential in all homes, handbags, pockets and cars- to keep you safe and protected. It can also be used for shielding against electromagnetic radiation and psychic attacks. Black Tourmaline is a must-have crystal for beginners who want to create a protective energy shield around themselves.
Other protective crystals: Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Pyrite

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

So now you have your crystals, what do you do with them? Many people argue whether or not crystals absorb energy from their surroundings- but regardless which side of the fence you are on, it's important to cleanse and charge them regularly. Ways to cleanse your crystals include: Leaving them out on a windowsill on a full moon, cleansing them in moon water (water left to charge in a full moon), burying them in the earth, sound vibrations and smoke cleansing. 
The big step most miss out, is charging! You need to make sure you are charging your crystals up with your intentions to connect with the healing properties. Find which crystal of your collection you're most drawn to, sit with your crystal in meditation and focus on what you would like the crystal to do, what your intention is for working with that crystal. 

Final note

I hope this blog has been helpful to get you started on your journey, we of course have crystal infused candles with set intentions for each candle to combine both crystal healing and fragrance to support what it is you are needing.
Working with crystals is a beautiful and powerful practice that can enhance your well-being on multiple levels. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crystal enthusiast, there is always something new to learn and discover.
So, dive into the world of crystals and let their energy guide and support you on your journey- do let us know on instagram/Facebook or TikTok how you are getting on!
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